See what you look at (Daemonide)

The video aims to suggest a process of self-examination, which inevitably leads to self-reflexive paradox.

Good for meditating to: Turn and look at yourself, as if turning a glove inside out. What you see is the Universe looking at you. The Eye sees the I. Me go, says Ego. But as the Tibetan Book of the Dead says, "Do not meditate, for there is nothing to meditate upon".

No, that's all rubbish. Don't believe a word of what I've just said.

The video is just about me indulging my habit for self-indulgent angst in multiple media.

The late great Robert A. Heinlein came up with the concept of “pantheistic multiple-ego solipsism”, which seems somehow to describe the painting: SEE WHAT YOU LOOK AT, oils on canvas, 46 x 35.5 cm, started in 2006 finalised in 2012. Audio composed by masterymistery: DAEMONIDE, featuring a range of midi instruments. Thanks to Antares for the Heinlein quote.

SEE WHAT YOU LOOK AT, oils on canvas, 46 x 35.5 cm, started in 2006 finalised in 2012.



masterymistery said...

mgeorge, is E of I in your knol? I must look it up. Thanks for your comments and the newscientist link. Cheers, MM

masterymistery said...
